What a busy year we have had so far! Last week the Centre reached a milestone by holding our mid-term review at The University of Queensland. It was another opportunity to reflect on how far we have come with our science, industry connections, researcher development and outreach. I am extremely proud of our achievements to date and to be a part
I recently had the opportunity to work with five Centre Postdoctoral Researchers to create a series of video profiles that help to highlight their research journey and achievements. These profiles offer a glimpse into the innovative work and diverse backgrounds of these ‘budding’ researchers, whilst highlighting their contributions to both the Centre and plant science more broadly. The researchers featured are: Dr Maddie James – Maddie is
Last week was a really special Research Retreat week for us. We opened the week with the Plant Success Symposium where we heard from invited speakers including Charlie Messina, Greg Rebetzke, Jacqui Batley and Brendan Choat, as well as Centre Chief Investigators and Postdoctoral Researchers on some of our many research achievements. The Symposium was open to anyone to attend online or in person. We are
The Centre’s Outreach portfolio has undertaken some excellent work over the last few years and we also have some exciting projects underway! We would like to say a massive thank you to all our Outreach contributors who are doing a fantastic job connecting with the community and beyond. Below you can read a bit more about some of the highlights. National Science Week The National Science Quiz (NSQ) is a live
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture is pleased to share our 2023 Annual Report with you. The report provides an overview of our research, capacity building, outreach and engagement achievements in 2023. As those who have been subscribed to this newsletter for a while would know, 2023 was another jam-packed year for the Centre which saw us host, support and attend many events, welcome new members and
Nobel laureate Sydney Brenner famously said that all problems in biology are versions of three basic questions: How does it work? How is it built? How did it get that way? I’m both pleased and excited, to be one of the members of the Scientific Advisory Panel for the Centre. My background is a bit like the infinitesimal model, in that I know a
We are pleased to announce that the Centre has formed new partnerships with BASF led by Partner Investigator Dr Colin Cavanagh (Head of Crop Genetics and Biometrics); and Iowa State University led by Partner Investigator Professor Sotirios Archontoulis (Professor of Integrated Cropping Systems). These new partnerships build upon the existing partnerships that the Centre has and will contribute towards research being undertaken with Chief Investigators Mark Cooper and Graeme Hammer on using crop modelling via
The end of 2023 coincided with a flurry of conferences and meetings, several of which are highlighted below. We also held a three-day in-person Chief Investigator (CI) Workshop. We revisited our research program by discussing the most exciting findings to date and highlighted again our key research areas. Through looking back at how our research has progressed and evolved over the last 2-3 years, we
The University of Florida (UF) hosted the Genotype by Environment by Management (GxExM) Symposium II this month with 80 people attending in person and 348 people registering online. This year, the Symposium was a collaboration between the Centre for Plant Success, UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and UF Horticultural Sciences Department. Through his work with the Centre, Mark Cooper led
Hello fellow Plant Success members and friends, As the end of the year approaches, so does our residency on the Researcher Development Group (RDG). We have been members of the RDG since its inception in 2021 and currently lead the Science Domain. The RDG consists of three domains: Science, Engagement and Wellness, that provide meaningful, high quality professional development to