The Centre for Plant Success is bringing together a diverse range of acclaimed researchers and exceptional professional staff. Our research Nodes are located at The University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Western Sydney University, Monash University and the University of Tasmania.


We currently do not have any opportunities advertised.

Follow us on social media or sign up for our newsletter to be alerted when a new opportunity becomes available.


The following student opportunities are currently available with the Centre for Plant Success. Positions in green have a strong quantitative/modelling or bioinformatics aspect while those in blue have a physiology/development or molecular biology focus.

Follow us on social media or sign up for our newsletter to be alerted when a new opportunity becomes available.

Don't see a project here that suits your interests? Check out the expressions of interest section below for more opportunities.


We welcome visitors to our Nodes throughout the year. If you are interested in meeting with us please contact the relevant Node Administrator.


From time to time our Chief Investigators will invite expressions of interest to undertake projects with them. Available opportunities are outlined below.

Christine is not accepting expressions of interest at this time.

John is not accepting expressions of interest at this time.

Tim has no expressions of interest advertised at this time but is open to discussing projects with interested applicants via email.

Kevin has no expressions of interest advertised at this time but is open to discussing projects with interested applicants via email.

Mark is not currently accepting expressions of interest.

Diane is not accepting expressions of interest at this time.

Eloise has no expressions of interest advertised at this time but is open to discussing projects with interested applicants via email.

Graeme is not accepting expressions of interest at this time.

Robert has no expressions of interest advertised at this time but is open to discussing projects with interested applicants via email.

Barbara has no expressions of interest advertised at this time but is open to discussing projects with interested applicants via email.

David has no expressions of interest advertised at this time but is open to discussing projects with interested applicants via email.

Daniel is accepting expressions of interest for Honours Research projects in the field of evolutionary genetics - view prospectus.

If you are interested in discussing potential projects with Daniel, you can do so via email.

Brad is not accepting expressions of interest at this time.

Steven is not accepting expressions of interest at this time.

Peter is not accepting expressions of interest at this time.

Jim is not accepting expressions of interest at this time.

PhD projects

Ian is not advertising any position currently but there is always potential for hosting international PhD students who hold a scholarship and travel funding from their home institution/country.

Postdoctoral positions

Ian is not advertising any position currently. That said, for stellar candidates within 5 years of being awarded their PhD (not including career interruptions), Ian is happy to discuss the potential for hosting/supporting your bid for an Australian Research Council DECRA (Discovery Early Career Researcher Award).